MediaTrack Logo

We convert newspapers, magazines, e-books, contracts, and even analogue data which are difficult to access into high-quality text files across countries and languages through our AI-driven software, designed to handle a large number of pages automatically with ultra-fast turn-around time.


We segment each newspaper page and then mark up the right content, which makes every search complete. The segmentation process is fully automated and with assisted quality control which provides both speed and efficiency


Our proprietary AI-driven software with state of the art character recognition. analyses the exact content of the newspaper page, capturing all of the embedded text and extract the exact words correctly.


We can cover all types of newspaper content, no matter language, alphabet or character.

We cover Asian, Arabic and Western alphabets and even combinations of two or three, irrespective of reading direction or layout.


Every client has a unique delivery footprint. We deliver in the file format you need and with all your preferred tags.

We offer innovative new cut-out options such as rearranged for PDF and reflowed for mobile.


Our standard delivery is within 2 hour after we have received your content.

We also offer fast-track turnaround for priority content or even offer an economy model when timing isn’t critical.


Converting pages at lightning speed means we can conduct your keyword searches for you and then only share those relevant pages with you with clips that matter to your clients.